WASHINGTON, D.C., December,  22, 2015 - At an event today in Iowa, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton will release her plan for addressing the growing Alzheimer's crisis, calling for both increases in federal research funding and support for caregivers. The Alzheimer's Impact Movement (AIM) commends Clinton for making

Alzheimer's disease a priority issue for her campaign and urges every presidential candidate to focus on Alzheimer's disease.

Clinton's plan proposes spending $2 billion annually on Alzheimer's research and improving support for the more than 15 million Americans currently providing care for people suffering with Alzheimer's. Her plan also includes coverage for comprehensive Alzheimer's care and support planning services consistent with the HOPE for Alzheimer's Act, a top priority for AIM. Leading experts have stated that a ramp up to $2 billion a year for research funding is necessary to prevent and effectively treat Alzheimer's by 2025. Just last week, congressional leaders allocated a nearly 60 percent boost for federal Alzheimer's research funding, providing approximately $936 million annually for Alzheimer's disease research at the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

"This year Alzheimer's became a bipartisan priority on Capitol Hill. Today, we commend Secretary Clinton for making Alzheimer's a priority on the presidential campaign trail," said Harry Johns, President and CEO of the Alzheimer's Impact Movement. "Secretary Clinton's plan is bold, and it aligns with the expert consensus of leading Alzheimer's researchers and physicians nationwide. We continue to urge all candidates to share their own plans for addressing this disease."

"My mom was diagnosed with younger-onset Alzheimer's disease when she was 57," said Heather Van Lin, an Alzheimer's advocate from Iowa. "At first I was angry that no cure existed and I would lose my best friend sooner than we were ready, but then I chose to take action by becoming an advocate, which meant encouraging all candidates to make Alzheimer's a priority  in their campaigns and holding them accountable when they are elected to office. Too many families are facing this disease and it is too expensive for our country. It makes sense that Alzheimer's is part of the national conversation." Alzheimer's disease is the most expensive disease in the U.S. and the only cause of death among the nation's top 10 that cannot be prevented, cured or even slowed. Today, there are more than 5 million Americans living with Alzheimer's disease and more than 15 million Americans providing care for people with Alzheimer's.